How To Cook Ilocos Empanada

We all know That Spaniards stayed in the Philippines for a long period of time most likely in the northern part of Luzon the Ilocos Region, and most of their traditional foods were adopted by the Ilocanos, and one of them is the empanada.

Empanda is came from a spanish word "Empanar" meaning to coat or to wrap in bread, it is a delicious pastry that it can be serve as a dessert or a snack. Empanada is a crisp fried  small cuts of vegetables, ground beef, pork, and egg coated or wrapped with a dough.

Dough Ingredients Preparation:
3 cups         Flour
1 tsp            salt
1/2 cup       water
1 Pc           egg
1 Pc          egg white
1 tsp           vinegar
3 tbsp         shortening       

Pour the water, egg, egg white and vinegar on the bowl and beat it like a sunny side, on the separate bowl mix together the cups of flour and salt, cut the shortening and mix it then make a well in the center and put the mixed water, egg and vinegar then mix the wet and dry ingredients until it will become stiff, turn the dough out on the floured surface and roll it until it become smooth, then wrap it with a plastic and refrigerate it for 1 hour.

Ilocos Empanada Main Ingredients:
1/4 kilo           Longgnisa
10 pcs.            Eggs
5 pcs.             Red Pepper (Sliced in a small cubes)
5 pcs.             Green Pepper (Sliced in a small cubes)
5 pcs.             Potato (Sliced in a small cubes)
1/4 kilo           sweet corn

Take a portion from the dough then flatten it with the dough roller put a 1 tbsp Potato, green pepper, sweet corn. On top of those ingredients put a 1 longganisa slice and spread it and crack an egg at the very top then wrapped it by folding the dough, carefully squeeze and roll the tip to sealed it. Do it again until all the prepared  ingredients is finished. Heat the pan make sure that it can contain several cups of cooking oil because you are going to deep fry, make sure before you soak the empada the cooking is boiling, cook it for a couple of minutes until the dough will become a golden and crisp then remove from the pan and rinse it until the oil drops down, then ready to serve.

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